How To Hack A Computer Using A Mac


Okay, so I have two people around my home that seem to be accessing my wireless network and using it without my permission. I know that I can just add a password to the wireless or add a Mac address filter in my router. But I want to teach those guys a lesson.

I have the information regarding their Mac address and IP address that they are connected to. So, is there any way that I can hack into their computers to, you know, access their files or something else?

If that’s not legal then how do I send a message to their computer through LAN saying “Stay away from my Wireless”?

Jul 02, 2020  This wikiHow teaches you how to gain administrator permissions on a school PC. In the unlikely event that your school uses Mac computers instead of Windows computers, you will not be able to hack into the computer. Keep in mind that if your computer's BIOS is locked down, you will not be able to hack your school's computer.


I am on Windows 7.

  1. ok so i just figured it out wow ... i have been driving myself crazy for months thinking i was loosing it i even went to forums for viruses looking for help my file sharing kept getting turned on and my files were being accessed but everyone told me i was crazy well an abrupt turn around allowed me to see the other person on my network trying to access server on itunes .... how do i turn that right back on that person .... let me think i was going crazy .... this whole time

  2. Enter
    -s -t 00 -m IPADDRESS

  3. Hi I have a clown who continuously downloads videos and pornography on the work network, How can I access his computer and files to put a block on all his videos and delete some of the torrent downloads this bastard uses and give him a serious wake up.

  4. You could just add a mac address filter , that would be the best way. Open up your router's settings page (usually or and log in using your routers username and password. There will be a page showing all currently connected users on the router , from which you can find the mac code (it is usually there , if not , you can find it in other ways but I've never done it) and block them using that. This will mean IP spoofing would be useless and they would have to get a new NIC in order for them to connect to your wireless router.

    Hope this helps!


  5. hi,pls i want to no how hack get into computer on the same my net work place

  6. Okay, so I have two people around my home that seem to be accessing my wireless network and using it without my permission. I know that I can just add a password to the wireless or add a Mac address filter in my router. But I want to teach those guys a lesson.

    I have the information regarding their Mac address and IP address that they are connected to. So, is there any way that I can hack into their computers to, you know, access their files or something else?

    If that’s not legal then how do I send a message to their computer through LAN saying “Stay away from my Wireless”?

    I am on Windows 7.

    • Most routers allow you to set rules to forward users to another site. I will let you work the rest out on your own >:)

  7. This is how you can easily send a message to their computer and shut it down.
    All you do is go into command prompt ( open up start and go into cmd) then once that has loaded type in,

    shutdown -i

    Then hit enter and a box should pop up. Click 'browse' and then select they're computers ip addresses, or if you already now them just click 'add' and type them in. After this you can choose either 'shutdown' or 'restart' in a drop-down box, type in your message and press ok.

    Thats it

  8. Okay, so I have two people around my home that seem to be accessing my wireless network and using it without my permission. I know that I can just add a password to the wireless or add a Mac address filter in my router. But I want to teach those guys a lesson.
    I have the information regarding their Mac address and IP address that they are connected to. So, is there any way that I can hack into their computers to, you know, access their files or something else?
    If that’s not legal then how do I send a message to their computer through LAN saying “Stay away from my Wireless”?
    I am on Windows 7.

  9. If they haven't hacked into your files then why would you care that they're using your internet access? You said yourself that you knew you could stop them from using it by throwing up a password protection so why not do that. Obviously you just want to hack into THEIR stuff. In that case, u suck!

  10. Its just simple.Change the passeord of your wireless network.

  11. You can send them message via cmd.. just go to start menu and type cmd.exe in search bar then type net view,it'll show you users of your wifi, then type shutdown -i in cmd, it'll pop-up a new window and click on add , then type their computer name and type your message in comment, then press ok.. then your message will be shown on their computers screen...but you can do it when they are connected to your wi-fi.. if you have any question .. send me mail on,or call me on +17788901056..ok ...

    • Parth r u hacker , i wana hack pc by cmd , i tried many ways written in blog but everytime host not found n ol things, comeup, or any tool that will help. tanks in advance

  12. or u mount there harddisk on ur comupter and format it :), google it for more info im not gonna wirte how to do it here

    • 1 tip so u know what to google when u type u can see there mac address

  13. Wow, I didnt expect to get this much help.. thanks a lot for all your time..
    I am having real fun with the shutdown command XD

  14. open cmd as a admin write net view then you can se who´s on your network then you take´s the name and write ping 'the name' then your will get the ip then write shutdown -i the there will come a menu where push the add then write in the ip and you can shutdown the victems computer and write a massege to them

  15. Once they connect open cmd and type 'shutdown -i', chose the seconds,message ...etc... And it will shut down their computers.
    Safe. Harmless. Legal.

  16. Hi umm i have a question regarding network sharing and/or hacking.
    Im trying to open files on my laptop, but through my i pad, so my question is, is there a way i can do that if we are connected to the same wireless?

  17. Try to launch an attack using ( Armatige ) by Metasploit, ( Languard Scanner is a great tool for vulnerability scan - amazing tools ), Backtrack 5 is another operating system with tons of penetration test tools especially for Wireless Connections and of course using a Laptop computer. Also remember to used as a virtual machine using VMware so that you don't get trace for your own security just in case. la but not least Wireshark is a network protocol analyzer for Unix and Windows and its use just google it so you know know the how to use it.
    These are just a few of many great tools if you really want to Hack the Planet. ; )

  18. how can i hack into the computer if i don't the user's password?

  19. If you are remotely connected, you can type in any cmd command and then their host name and hit enter...

  20. If you are remotely connected, you can type in any cmd command and then their host name and hit enter...


  22. Use mgs now in Windows 7

  23. kind of seems he wants to hack into theirs. not many good reasons for that. password the router, anything else might be a crime but is definitely unethical.

  24. In the UK, it is illegal to access another computer without permission, alter files etc, distribute malicious code etc with the same intent. Also it migh be regarded as illegal to simply access an unsecured wireless network without the owners permission. The real question to my mind is why you would run a wireless network without a password and/or MAC filtering anyway? I would worry less about who you KNOW is accessing your network, and more about those you may not have noticed.

  25. Get a copy of backtrack live cd, and look up tutorials about SNIFFING. Weeks of fun, I'll be writing a tutorial for this if you care to hold on a few weeks.

  26. There are a few things you can do... See if they have shared folders --> check Workgroup computers.
    If you can access their files, you can do all sorts of harm like change files, delete them, rename them, or even use their printer.

    You might also be able to remote desktop their computer and control it, and a number of other things.

    However, I wouldn't recommend you delete their files, they are your neighbours, and you may need there help later on.

    Just simply log into your router, setup mac filtering and block their mac address. Sure there are ways around it, but I wouldn't think they would know how too, if they did, they would know not to access your network.

    • I just remember, I wrote a post about what you can do

  27. Your success will largely depend on the configuration of their computers and your router.

    Option 1) Windows file sharing. Hold down the windows key, press r. Type in [ip address of their computer] and hit enter. The slashes must face this direction. If they have Windows file sharing enabled, you will now connect to their computer and see whatever files they're sharing (if any; note that they may have password-protected these files).

    Option 2) NET SEND. You have Windows 7, from which NET SEND functionality has been removed by Microsoft. If your target PCs are running XP or earlier, you can download a NET SEND replacement utility and use it to send the targets a popup box with any message you choose. (utility: Enter a command prompt (win-r, cmd, enter.) and type 'net send ipaddress message' (no quotes). People have had mixed success with net sending to ip's, the consensus is generally that LAN ip's work for net sending. However, it may not work.

    Option 3) Upsidedownternet. There's a well-circulated tutorial that requires a dedicated linux box for a router, so it's not practical, but worth adding.

    Option 4) Firesheep. Install this program and wait until the target becomes active. Start monitoring in Firesheep and wait for them to access a supported site. Then you're logged in as them and can do whatever trolling you wish. (requires firefox on your computer).

    • Yeah, rename the network to something like 'Connect here to share your files with me'.

      • Yeah, I could do that. or, I could simply add a password.
        But how do I send a message to the computer via LAN? There used to be a command like 'Netsend' but I read somewhere that this feature was removed in Windows 7. Any solutions to get around this problem?

        • 'msg' is the command corresponding to 'net send' in Windows XP.

I am going to expose an important topic on hacking knowledge that some of you might know and most of you don’t. When you’re going to hack a computer or server on the Internet, you won’t want your IP address to spill out. That’s because your ISP could easy trace you by two simple information which is the time and IP Address. So you’ll need to use proxy or even chains of proxies to avoid being directly traced by the victim’s firewall. If you think you’re safe hiding behind a proxy server, bad news is most proxy server has logging enabled and your IP address is definitely listed in the log file when you’re connected to it. It is possible that the administrator of the proxy server passes your information to your ISP and you’ll still get caught at the end of the day. Don’t forget, there are still some other important information that can be obtained from an IP Address if a person knows what tools to use. One of it is your network adapter’s MAC address.

Every network card contains a unique code called MAC address that is permanently assigned to it, similarly like every computer requires a unique IP address to be connected to a network. Although these information can be configured to have the same, it would cause conflict and connection problems. To view your network card’s MAC address, just run the command “How To Hack A Computer Using A Macipconfig /all” in command prompt and refer to the value of Physical Address.

One thing you should know is the MAC address on your computer’s network card will not get passed out to the Internet so there is no way a website or an Internet server can capture this information. Only your Internet Service Provider (ISP) can detect the MAC address of your modem or router. So basically your ISP is capable of tracking your location by your IP address, time and the MAC address of your modem or router.

In another scenario, some people may still be using WEP encryption for their wireless network because some old devices don’t support WPA. WEP encryption is very weak and can be cracked in less than 5 minutes using BackTrack Linux. Most of the time they’d also enable a second line of defense which is the MAC address filtering to only allow authorized devices to connect to their wireless network but they’re wrong. A hacker can easily find out the authorized MAC address, change their network card’s MAC address to the authorized ones and poison the ARP cache to prevent the owner’s machine from connecting to it. Here’s an example of Belkin Play Max F7D4401 v1 router. It has a MAC Address Filtering feature where you can set up a list of allowed clients and use the wireless connection.

Other than that, some time limited shareware such as Hotspot Shield that uses your MAC address to keep track of the free usage. If the trial period has expired or is pending to reset every month, you can easily bypass this restriction by changing your MAC address. I bet by now you should know the power of spoofing your MAC Address. MAC address can actually be changed directly from Windows but the easiest way is to just a free program called Technitium MAC Address Changer.

To change your MAC address, run the program, click the Random MAC Address button followed by the Change Now! button. The update takes effect immediately without a reboot and stays intact even when you boot up the computer tomorrow. To restore back your original MAC address, click the Restore Original button on Technitium MAC Address Changer program.

Download Technitium MAC Address Changer

To manually change your MAC address in Windows 7 without using a third party software, go to Control Panel > System > Device Manager. Expand Network Adapters and double click on the network card that you want to change the MAC address. Go to Advanced tab and look for Network Address in the Property box. Click on it and you can specify your own value with any random 12 characters of letters and numbers.

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Hack Computer Using Command Prompt

Karthik4 years ago

The Technicium Mac address changer has certain restriction in some cases (particularly Wireless connection) such that we should use only ’02’ as fist octet of mac address (as you can see a checkbox in the tool). So, it seems it is not possible to completely spoof your mac address as another PC’s mac address. May be we can play with, by just hiding behind some random mac address.


spoofing the MAC randomly every few minutes may be more useful.

2cents14 years ago

How To Hack A Computer Password Mac

If you’re behind a router, your ISP only sees the router’s MAC addy. That’s the one you should change.
Regardless, if you have a home broadband connection, you might have a hard time arguing with your ISP since they tie your IP to the modem id.


How To Hack A Computer Mac

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