PC security has been the greatest challenge for customers lately, following the WannaCry ransomware that hit major organization including the NHS a year ago, and Petya, yet another ransomware attack which shook the digital world. If you are looking out to patch and update the machines and install the right security software, then you have nothing to worry on.
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If you are using a Mac device and you are unsure of which antivirus is the right one to meet your demand, this article is the right one. Read on to know more about the best Antivirus programs for Mac OS in 2019.
Do Macs require an antivirus?
A lot of Mac enthusiasts claim that Apple PCs are innately secure and it doesn’t require any additional security system. We’d contend that they are incorrect.
Mac OS-based systems are for the most part more secure than Windows for two reasons. Technically, macOS is a Unix-based working framework. As a Unix-based working framework macOS is sandboxed.
It resembles having a progression of fire entryways: regardless of whether malware accesses your Mac, it can’t spread to the core of the machine. Its a myth or misperception that Mac systems are not unhackable, but rather they are harder to misuse than Windows PCs.
The second reason is that, at the present time, there are far fewer Macs than there are Windows PCs. Less targets and these are harder to hack.
To be upfront, Macs are not completely safe, the more the usability of Mac products, the more space for cybercriminals to explore their ways to infect the Mac environment with high chances of potential risks.
WannaCry was quite a news in 2017, while news broke of Petya – yet another ransomware attack- in late June. Additionally, in June, clients were cautioned by security firms Fortinet and AlienVault that there are new variations of malware focusing on Macs subsequent to being distributed on the Dark Web.
A report from Malwarebytes in August 2017 demonstrates that Mac malware has expanded 230% since July 2016. Accordingly, digital security is more vital than any time in recent memory, and a decent antivirus is all you need to remain safe.
Best Antivirus for Mac 2019 (November Updated List)
1.Comodo Antivirus for Mac
Comodo Antivirus for Mac is an efficient security application that has been the most sought after and is considered to top the list as the best antivirus solutions for Mac OS. Users can just install-and-forget. Comodo Mac antivirus software wraps up some of the robust technical security features to perfectly cover the Mac security requirements.
It is labeled as the Proactive Antivirus software to deliver 360 degree protection to Mac computers. It works smartly to battle against viruses, computer worms, Trojan horses, and other types of malware and the most notorious ransomware. It also provides an antivirus solution as a 30-day trial offer.
- Easy to use, user- interface
- Sandbox to isolate suspicious files
- Effective virus scanning that can be scheduled as per your convenience
- On-access scanning to verify each file for any suspicious activities
2.Nortan Antivirus for Mac
Norton Antivirus for Mac is by Symantec. The most recent report confirms that Norton manages to detect 100% of viruses. It does not bring down the system performance as well, which boosts the users’ confidence to keep your Mac systems safe without any downtime.
- Secures Macs, PCs, Android and iOS devices through a single product
- Notifies users if the app is suspicious before you download them.
- Alerts users on the scams and suspicious activities through social media
- Obstructs Infected and and malicious downloads
3.Kaspersky Antivirus for Mac
This is another malware protection option for Mac – Kaspersky. It works more likely to the other antiviruses from Comodo and Norton.
It also offers safer-banking software, anti-spyware, with a 30-day trial offer.
- It provides file back up and encryption
- No impact on performance
- Simple to Set up and Configure
- Easy to use
- Blocks unwanted and unknown files and programs
4.Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac
One more of the best antivirus for Mac alternatives is Bitdefender Antivirus. Like Comodo, Kaspersky, and Norton, AV-Test’s lab, Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac blocked and turned down 100 percent of the dangers that came against it.
- Multi-level layer Protection
- Obstructs and deletes annoying adware
- Doest not interfere and bring down the performance
- Delivers complete security
- Protection during online shopping
- Provides consistent cloud based protection
5.Intego Mac Internet Security X9
The main different antivirus tried by AV-Test to figure out how to recognize 100% of the infections came against it was Intego, yet there is a drawback is that it put the greatest strain on the Mac while testing, backing it off more than any others in this round-up.
Nevertheless, in the event that you are looking to try it for yourself to see whether you’re content with the performance speed of the machine with Intego running, you can opt to choose the free trial offer.
6.Trend Micro Antivirus for Mac
Trend Micro works well to identify 99.5% of infections as per AV-Test, so falls simply behind the top performers we’ve specified yet by a little edge.
It’s a bit on the expensive side, however, at £49.95 for one system which is for more than one year, and there’s no free trial accessible. There is, nonetheless, a 30-day trial with a money back offer.
7.Sophos Antivirus for Mac
Sophos Anti-Virus is also one of the best security software in the industry that the product identifies and encounters 98.4% of malicious threats.
It has no major impact on the performance of the system. That might be sufficient for you to see the difference, which further depends on what machine spec you have.
- Delivers Advanced Computer Security
- Deletes viruses, Trojan horses, ransomware, and any other malicious apps and programs.
- Proactive security from new and developing malware
- Easy to Install and Manage
- Obstructs suspicious Content
ESET is a paid version of Mac antivirus. This is affordable security software and ensures to outsmart 98.4% danger recognition, and scores great in speed tests.
You can get ESET Cyber Security for £29.99 for one device/year. You can utilize the 30 day trial period to try out the software before you purchase it.
Related Resources:
“No security is better than lame security” – Ray Biez circa 1998
Apple, for all their self-congratulatory PR that fills mainstream media, is privately (in)famous for, well, piss-poor security. It’s harder to remove the OS password from a Windows PC – even one running XP – than it is to do the same on even the latest Mac/MacBook. Ok, it’s not exactly rocket science to remove the user security from either, but you do need more than just your fingers to bust the Windows security.
iCloud is Apple’s offering to secure users hardware in case of loss/theft, a multi-faceted product that covers hardware running both Apple operating systems – OSX and iOS. Although it’s a highly vaunted product, they’ve taken a long time to perfect the iOS version – previous to iOS 7.1.1 it’s not too hard to break that thing off. (Using only your fingers.)
And the OSX version, oh boy.
That’s like a combination lock there, takes 4 digits to unlock it. So let me work this out – 0000 is the lowest possible code, while 9999 is the highest. And if it’s not either of those two, then somewhere in between is your answer. A rather trivial total of just 10,000 possible combinations. Given enough time & patience, this can even be done manually – eventually you’ll type the correct sequence.
Fuck that, manually typing 100 combinations would piss me off. I know, let’s use science & technology! The micro-controller industry has given us a bunch of tiny component-style silicon boards, capable of just a specific task or two. Teensy 3.1 is an Arduino-like board that can be programmed to emulate a USB keyboard & mouse. Here’s the one I received today:
Plug it in via micro-USB – see the glowing light, it lives!
So, hunt down a Teensy 3.1 via your local Googles. Mine was delivered overnight for $NZ41 incl postage. Download and install the Arduino & the TeensyDuino SDK software, which includes the two required libraries – USB_keyboard.h & USB_mouse.h. Copy these two files to a project folder, to where you’ll add the magic code before compiling. The SDK is available in OSX, Windows & Linux variants.
Next you need to either write the code from scratch or source pre-compiled code that’ll do the consecutive number entry we require (with some additional variation in the routine to circumvent Apple’s minor multiple entry time lock defence.)
You’ll find two proven choices, Orvtech and Knoy. I’ve used both, right now – at this very minute in fact, Knoy’s version for the 15″ MacBook Pro is chugging away next to me. I’m not so sure about the Knoy codebase, but since it’s a 5 minute procedure to reprogram the Teensy, the Orvtech code can run on the MacBook Pro if there’s no result from the Knoy compile. The Knoy code runs quicker as it invokes restarts more often than the Orvtech solution. Having said that, Orvtech worked for me last time.
UPDATE: I don’t know why but the Knoy Arduino solution failed. I gave it two machines to play with, parked them in a cupboard & left them alone for 2-3 days each. Both times I returned to find a dark screen, pre-booting the lock screen with the Teensy 3 flashing fast & bright.
So I’ve re-coded with an enhanced version of the Orvtech script –
Running this code against the iCloud block (iCloud lock is an overstatement) is a simple process. Plug yer Teensy in, boot the Mac, kick back & wait. It takes about 17 seconds per entry, averaged, including restarts to circumvent the multiple-entry hurdle. Time til breakthrough is dependent upon where in the range the code is, but expect the tell-tale “dong” success tone within 72 hours. But hey, if the iCloud code was set at a low number, say 0XXX, then hang around for an hour or so cos your answer is on its’ way.
iCloud cracker in action
The practicalities of this code are not extensive. It’s more an application in slow, methodical cracking than any brilliant invocation of a hi-tech algorithm. There is no salted hash to track down and crack, it’s just a simple exercise in orderly, automated data entry (that a patient human can also do. Or a monkey, a well-trained monkey.)
There aren’t, seemingly, that many Mac computers utilising iCloud protection. I think it’s a far better idea to keep your Apple product out of harms way, locked down & tucked away safely. That, and insured. Keep your Mac backed up (data insurance) and commercially insured.
UPDATE: I got sick of wait, wait, waiting for the Orvtech solution to show me the money. I can’t do unoptimised code, I just can’t. Digital is a direct thing, the shortest way between two points. So why sit round waiting for 15mins when a restart takes less than 2mins?
While I was waiting for the inefficient code to bumble its way through, I took a fresh look @ the Knoy compile – his code is offered for 15″ or 13″ MacBooks – made some minor adjustments of my own then rebuilt the Teensy & set it loose on a 2011 15″ MacBook Pro again.
Three days in, somewhere past the 5000 mark the reboot chime halted – cracked it! To make sure it wasn’t a fluke, I immediately put a second MacBook Pro, same spec, up against the Teensy. Around 18 hours later, Ka-ching! Cracked it!
Are Mac Harder To Hack Pc
PS: Do not even think that your bright idea of reformatting the hard drive on an iCloud locked Mac will solve the puzzle far quicker than the system described above. It won’t. What it will do is increase the EFI lock code from 4 digits to 6, taking the cracking process from 3 days to around 7.5 months. Your best advice, if you are less than fully aware of Apple security, is to Step Away From The Keyboard – pay somebody who knows what they’re up to.