Mac Gray Laundry Card Hack

  1. Mac Gray Laundry Card Hack
  2. Mac Gray Laundry Service Repair
  3. Mac Gray Laundry Card Hack Free

Orsid Realty manages over 100 luxury coops and condominiums in New York City and has a long-standing relationship with CSC to provide laundry room service to a large number of our buildings. Their timely responsiveness to the issues we face in our buildings is a.

Smartcard Laundry Hack

I’ve been on the fence about this, but I finally decided I would share a smartcard exploit I found awhile back…

My apartment complex uses a smartcard system for it’s washers and dryers. We use a “transaction station” to recharge the cards. Being impatient one day adding credits, by chance I stumbled on a way to add “free” credits on to my smartcard.

I did some research, and found out the “transaction stations” are made by a company called Greenwald Industries. (there are no markings or stickers on the station, so it took me awhile to find the manufacturer )

Here’s what the transaction station looks like in case you have one in your building/dorm/etc:

Here’s what you do:

1. Put your smartcard into the machine like you normally do.
2. Insert some money into the dollar changer.
3. Now immediately as you inserted the first bill, take a second bill (doesn’t matter what denomination) and try to feed it into the changer while the station is still processing the first bill. Make an effort to really try and insert the 2nd bill. Don’t remove the 2nd bill until the next step occurs.
4. While you are inserting the 2nd bill the display should be showing “adding credits” on the screen but it should eventually say “bill error” and spit the first bill you put in, out.
5. As soon as it spits the first bill out, immediately pull the smartcard out of the machine.

Mac Gray Laundry Card Hack

When you put the card back into the station to check your balance, you will find that, even though the station got confused by you trying to stick another bill in while it was processing the first bill, it still manages to add the credits to your card.

Mac Gray Laundry Card Hack

Obviously since you pull the card out of the machine before it is able to reverse the credits, the credits remain on the card.

I don’t know how widespread these stations are, but I’d figure I’d share this exploit anyways. Enjoy!


Mac Gray Laundry Service Repair


Each resident receives a Resident Advantage Card® for their community washers and dryers. Automatic Laundry offers residents several different ways to add value to their Resident Advantage Card®. Residents can use their credit card or bank ATM card to add value to their card, or they can conveniently go online to Automatic Laundry’s secure website, create a user profile and add value to their card using the “Code to Card” system. Residents who do not have access to the Internet or have credit cards can arrange to purchase value on their card by prepaying via check. Automatic Laundry’s helpful card administrators will add the purchased value on to their card and return it to them.


Mac Gray Laundry Card Hack Free

Automatic Laundry’s Laundry Tracker™ community laundry room monitoring system allows residents of enrolled multi-housing communities to monitor their community laundry room and check the status of their wash and dry cycles online. Residents can go online to see how busy the laundry facilities are before leaving the comfort of their unit. Using their computer, mobile device or smartphone, residents can easily monitor washer and dryer availability and receive text or e-mail alerts when their laundry is completed in real time.